Follow up to Holier than Thou expose of MSF

It’s been a long time since I posted this piece on the sexism at MSF. It was really both encouraging to see that I wasn’t alone (even if I didn’t share everything that happened to me there) but so discouraging to see the reactions of the organization and its supporters.

Time has marched on. I’m healing up from it all and do not regret writing this as I think it finally kicked open a bigger discussion about the issue at MSF. I continue to write and think and work to support GBV survivors.

I wanted to reach out and tell anyone that shared their stories or is thinking of sharing their stories that there is a journalist out there looking at racism and sexism (because they really go hand in hand) in the aid sector. I really thought he was amazing to talk to. He talked to me for 2 1/2 hours and did not once pressure me into going on the record. He was empathetic and very prepared and thorough.

He asked me to spread the news that if anyone wants to talk to him -even just to give him background, he’s willing to talk to them. I tried to reach out to those of you who contacted me directly but to those who didn’t and may come across this piece, I wanted to let you know as well. Please send a message here or comment and I’ll be in touch and connect you.

In solidarity to all the amazing women and men who were harassed or dismissed. It has always been a travesty that your ideas and energy and dedication to the organization were sacrificed in order to promote, support, and cover up for the perpetrators. They made the wrong choice.

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